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What plumbing means to us

By March 15, 2021March 17th, 2021No Comments

We recently celebrated World Plumbing Day on the 11th of March and we took the time to recognise the value which North Shore Plumbing Group, and plumbers across the world, bring to their communities.

Holistically, plumbing plays an integral role in the health, safety and sustainability of our communities and at North Shore Plumbing Group we see it as so much more than just fixing and putting pipes behind the walls.

North Shore Plumbing Group is investing in the plumbing industry with a range of great initiatives and we aim to share our experiences with you.

We recently purchased and wrapped a mobile office (Winnebago). Our mobile office also acts as a tool to gain exposure and encourage more people to consider an apprenticeship (this is just one of the things we will be doing, more to come in later posts).

Our mobile office will be joining us at school career days and we will be actively looking for support and sponsorship so you can be part of these career day presentations around Australia too. We know that we can encourage future leaders in the construction industry and some of these leaders might not have even considered a trade apprenticeship yet.

With our new office on wheels it has opened a lot of doors for us and we are excited to give more back to the community. We never stop developing our skills as plumbers and it’s important that we share our service with the community.

If you haven’t done so already then please take a moment to reflect on and appreciate the luxuries we have. We really want you to know that the luxuries aren’t on the price tag of the items in your home but rather they are in the systems and services that provide you light, warmth, fresh water, warm water and waste removal which surround us everyday.

Happy World Plumbing Day from the North Shore Plumbing Team.

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